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Our role

The Commission is focused on practical and meaningful ways to promote the objectives outlined in the National Plan to end gender-based violence.

We are informed by what is important to people with lived and living experience, and what the research, data and frontline workforce tells us needs to happen.

We engage with people with lived and living experience to amplify their voices to ensure their diverse experience is heard – shaping policy design, informing policies and improving service delivery.

We take action inquisitively, responsibly and collaboratively, as we influence community and governments to end domestic, family and sexual violence.

Our story

As the first ever Commission dedicated to ending domestic, family and sexual violence, we have a unique opportunity to hold governments accountable to ending gender-based violence in a generation. As an independent agency, we are well positioned to ensure national coordination and reduce fragmentation to improve outcomes. 

We are taking this opportunity to do things differently. 

We seek to amplify the voices of people with lived experience, and to improve coordination and collaboration between policy and services. This will help ensure policy and services reflect and respond to the perspectives and needs of people experiencing domestic, family and sexual violence – so they can access the support they need, no matter who they are, or where they live.

Our strategy

We know that urgent action is needed, and that domestic, family and sexual violence is at epidemic levels in Australia. We also know the system is large and complex. There are many governments, agencies, bodies and organisations working to make change. 

The task before us is challenging, and there is a lot to do. We don’t want to duplicate or hinder any good work that is underway, but we need to start somewhere.

That’s why – after conversations, feedback and listening since our establishment – the Commission will first focus on five priority areas:

  • Systemic and institutional racism.
  • Healthy and diverse masculinity.
  • Children and young people.
  • Healing justice.
  • Housing.

Underpinning our entire approach will be ensuring that people with lived and living experience of domestic, family and sexual violence are supported and centred around policy development and implementation decisions – because we know that the best people to help us make change and improve the system are those that have needed it most in the past.

Meet the Commissioner

Commissioner Micaela Cronin

Meet the Commissioner

With years of professional experience in family violence and sexual assault services, social services, and human rights initiatives, Micaela Cronin is passionate about prevention, early intervention, response and recovery from domestic, family and sexual violence.

Jenna Roberts

Assistant Commissioner

Jenna Roberts

Meet the Assistant Commissioner

With extensive experience working in rural and regional communities, across mental health, drug and alcohol services and the domestic, family and sexual violence sector, Jenna Roberts is committed to ensuring that governments across Australia meet their targets to reduce the rates of violence experienced by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women and children.

Lived Experience Advisory Council

The Commission has established the Lived Experience Advisory Council to amplify the views of people with experience of domestic, family and sexual violence at the national level. The Advisory Council consists of 12 people with diverse backgrounds, identities and experiences from across Australia, who bring their lived experience, skills and expertise to the Commission’s role of measuring progress towards the National Plan.

Learn more about the Advisory Council

External reports

National initiatives

Under the National Plan, the Commonwealth Government has established and supports a number of key initiatives to drive a long-term, whole-of-community effort to reduce violence against women and children.

Help us end violence

To end domestic, family and sexual violence, we need people from all areas and all walks of life. By combining our individual knowledge, efforts and experiences, we can help make the future better for everyone.

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